Pei­tho. Exam­ina Antiqua

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Editor in Chief: UAM dr hab. Mikołaj Domaradzki

peithoPEITHO / Exa­mina Anti­qua is an inter­na­tio­nal jour­nal devo­ted to the inve­sti­ga­tion of ancient Greek, Roman and Byzan­tine tho­ught. Foun­ded in May 2010, the jour­nal is edi­ted by the Department of Phi­lo­so­phy at Adam Mic­kiewcz Uni­ver­sity in Poland.

PEITHO publi­shes rese­arch papers and short notes in the fields of phi­lo­so­phy, lite­ra­ture, history and lan­gu­age. The lan­gu­ages of publi­ca­tion are English, French, Ger­man, Ita­lian, Latin and Polish.

ISSN: 2082-7539